Neighborhood Book Groups

SURJ NEO Book Groups began in January 2017 as a non-judgmental place for people in all stages of racial analysis to grow and build relationships with other people near us who are also doing anti-racism work. We are aiming to keep challenging ourselves, holding each other accountable to SURJ values, encouraging each other, growing in our anti-racist perspectives, and deepening our commitment to collective action for racial and economic justice.

Right now there is one book group that meets virtually:

West Side Book Group (all welcome!)

  • Meets on the first Monday evening of each month, 7pm-9pm. On the off months we will alternate longer readings with shorter articles, graphic novels, movies, even TED talks.
  • Contact Molly Hinshaw to join this book group.
  • Sign up through this form to get the link for the meeting.

SURJ Book Groups are a great way to educate ourselves on how white supremacy works and how we can resist it. The deeper our grounding in anti-racist teachings, the better equipped we are to have discussions based in love and shared humanity, rather than defensiveness and judgement. The more we learn, the more tools we have to begin identifying, confronting, and dismantling the racism within us and around us.